Saturday, December 11, 2010

For teens, how is it going to get better NOW?

I love, love, love the "it gets better" project. Such a simple idea and yet so powerful. But there is just one thing...

I wish it had gone one step further to "and this is what you can do now."

As gay adults, we all know what it was like to be a gay teenager even if back then we didn't identify as gay. And we also know what we went through before it got better for us. So why not spare the younger generation some of that grief.

Unfortunately, maybe three or four people read this blog so I am not going to suggest you bring your ideas here. Instead what I would like is for the January topic to be about what we did that helped it to get better.

Hopefully, if enough bloggers write on this topic then maybe a few teenagers might read it and apply some of ideas and shorten the time it takes before "it gets better" for them.


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